Close your eyes, breathe deep into your belly and womb, and imagine in full detail what your ideal sacred space looks and feels like.

What are the decorations, trinkets, and valuable items that you allow to be present in your sacred space? What does it feel like when you are in this space? What feelings and qualities do you want to embody within yourself when you’re in this space? What words describe your designated space?

Sacred. Sensual. Juicy. Blissful. Pleasurable. Loving. Nurturing. Peaceful.


Creating a sacred space in your home, or with you on the go if you travel frequently, is essential to feeling divine, sensual, aligned and at peace. Our lives can be quite chaotic at times with all of the factors that make up our days. Children. Jobs or businesses. Spending time with our families and partners. Commuting to and from everywhere we go. Yoga classes. Grocery shopping at the market. So many things can send us spiraling into feeling numb, insecure, unsure, and stressed.

But what if we have a sacred space that allows us to retreat, pamper, nourish, and uplift ourselves? A place that allows us to sit quietly and journey deep within our wild, sacred souls. A place that allows us to dance wildly, sensually naked or treat ourselves to a delicious, warm oil massage. A place that is for you, just you. You and your full heart and sexy soul.

Having a sacred space (or several) reminds us to slow down, be present and indulge in some much-needed juicy self-love and sacred self-care rituals. A sacred space is safe and sets the mood for how you want to FEEL when you’re there. So how do you want to feel?

Sensual and feminine? Creative and uplifted? Grounded and nourished? Sexy and orgasmic?


Is it dark and womb-like, with candles and sheer curtains that only allow the beautiful light of the moon in? Or is it open, spacious and clean, letting the sun pour in, spilling onto your body as you relax there? What does your space look and feel like?

I recommend being very conscious about who you let into your sacred space, if you can control this at all. This space is meant to inspire and nurture you on all levels so making sure the energy is exactly how you desire is very important to enhance and allow healing.

Our sacred space allows us to connect with our desires, our sensuality, and our inherent pleasure. It allows us to slip indulgently into our highest self in order to cultivate, create, and birth our authentic selves into the world.

Below I have some helpful tips on how to create your ideal sacred space. I encourage you, as always, to get creative, use what works and leave the rest. Use your intuition, desires, feelings and your sacred, sensual body to create your own sacred space!

  • Treat your sacred space like an altar. Only put items that are valuable to you here. Treat them like sacred talismans. I personally love having candles, incense, tons of crystals, little meaningful trinkets I’ve collected, textured cloths/tapestries, flowers (like the rose I always buy for myself) or other plants, essential oils, tarot cards, comfy cushions and pillows. Make this space FEEL and look like you! When you step into this room/area it should make you smile and ignite your desires. You might even get a little aroused stepping into your sacred space!


  • Make it inviting & seductive. This space should draw you in. It should feel magnetic as if it’s calling out to you, pulling you in with its beauty and ambiance. Having it smell yummy is always a good idea. Candles, incense or essential oils are wonderful for creating this kind of environment. They will delight your senses and transport you to new realms within your body, mind and soul. Do you like your space to feel dark and seductive? Or is having a space full of sunlight your thing?

sacred space

  • Make this space about indulgence, sensuality & love for yourself. Your sacred space, like I mentioned before, is for you. For you and your body and all of the love that flows within you for you. Engage in activities or rituals that you enjoy. Massage yourself with warm oils. Dance naked or do yoga. Drink a glass of red wine or sip on a cup of steaming herbal tea. Give yourself a facial or paint your toes. Paint, read, write, or simply lie around and daydream. Indulge in the luxury of your own sensuous body. Want more inspiration on this? Check out the following posts:Rituals for Creating More Indulgence & Pleasure
    How to Cultivate Sacred Self-Love
    Daily Rituals for Connecting to Our Sacred Sensuality 
    You Deserve to Feel This…
    You Are a Sensual Being


  • Make it a ritual. Frequent this space as often as you can. This is where you connect to yourself completely. Make time for it and for yourself. Reclaim your pleasure, bliss, sensuality and love by giving yourself plenty of time to replenish in your sacred space. Rituals allow us to feel things in a much more sacred and pleasurable way. So give yourself this gift. The gift of your own time and sacred space. The gift to be in your body, completely. Revel in it. Honor your temple, which is your body and your sacred space as well.

Please take my advice on this one. Create little altars around your home if you don’t have a designated room, space or area. If you’re on the go, take a few valuable items with you that make you feel good and in your zone. It’s simple to pack a few crystals or essential oils in your purse or bag and it will transform how you feel and invite more pleasure into your body and life.

Drop me a comment below and let me know if you have a designated sacred space. If so, what’s it like? How do you want to feel when you’re there? What items do you allow in your space? I’d love to know!


Let’s connect! 

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