Desire. Bliss. Pleasure. Passion. Sensuality. Indulgence

We are creatures of desire, meant to experience and indulge in bliss, pleasure, passion and sensuality. We were created to feel, to play, to melt into the sensual nature of this existence.

Our desires are the #1 thing that fuel everything else we do. Do you desire to be happy? Chances are you base your life around doing things that make you happy. Do you desire to be loved? I’m willing to bet you focus your life on giving and receiving love from others.

Unfortunately the majority of us are told that our pleasure and passion need to be left behind when we become adults. As children, we play, explore, create, dream, experience and FEEL everything completely. We have desires and we go after them whole-heartedly and fiercely. Our desire burns like a glowing ember deep in our bellies, where our creative energy and our passion resides. Our desires are meant to be heard, savored and fulfilled.

This beautiful magic still resides within you. This desire. This need to experience pleasure and savor the moment truly, squeezing each sensual and luxurious drop out of it. It’s just a matter of tapping back into it. Letting the sensations you experience mingle, melt and burn slowly within you.

You are WORTHY and you DESERVE to feel unapologetic bliss. You deserve to feel the warm wind on a summer night as it caresses your hair. You deserve to lie under the stars, hypnotized as they glimmer in the black abyss of night sky. You deserve to feel the heat and tingling sensation in your body as you become excited about something. You deserve to crave and experience passion, feeling its sacred source deep in your belly, your womb.

So let’s slow down. Let’s slow wayyy down. Let’s turn inward and FEEL, explore, create, indulge and savor. Let’s make everything sacred and ritual. Let’s light candles and watch them flicker, casting oblong shadows that dance on the wall. Let’s taste food with our eyes closed and our hearts open, letting the flavors melt on our tongues and smile with pure satisfaction on our lips. Let’s slow down and give our bodies a high dosage of self-love.

I have some ideas for you to open this sensual, indulgent space within you…

  • Allow yourself to float in the raw space within your body, mind and spirit. The space where you indulge, play and fantasize. Be there completely.
  • Allow yourself to daydream for hours.
  • Slow down and do things with care, with intention. Take your time.
  • Listen to sensual music.
  • Give yourself an Ayurvedic warm oil massage known as abhyanga.
  • Dance: wildly or sensually. Feel your body completely. Close your eyes and move with the rhythm and beat of the music. Feel the heat radiate within your muscles and your pulse quicken.
  • Eat a piece of homemade chocolate, let the flavors melt completely into your tongue. Savor the taste, texture and flavor. Explore how it makes you feel.
  • Use your hands to create: paint with watercolors or using your hands, mold a ceramic pot out of slick, cool clay, crochet a cozy hat, or cook a delicious meal using exotic ingredients.
  • Go outside and get in touch with nature. Lie in a field of wildflowers under the bright sunshine of mid-day. Meditate in a deep, dark forest, allowing the ancient and healing, medicinal energy of the trees to fill your soul.
  • Take a hot bath complete with candles, epsom salts, incense, music, essential oils, rose petals and a good book, if you wish. Let your body sink into the warm, wet cocoon of your bath tub. The water will take away all of your worries and pains.
  • Drink water slowly. Feel it slide down your throat and into your belly, hydrating you.
  • Do yoga and breathe deeply through each pose or asana. Feel your breath in all of the tight spaces within your body. Breathe deeply through it, creating space and length, opening yourself up to flexibility and healing.
  • Engage in sacred daily rituals, whether night or morning or perhaps, both. Meditate. Heal with crystals. Drink a hot tonic in the morning. Make self love a ritual. Practice it each day.
  • Indulge in your femininity. Do something that makes you feel like beautiful, radiant goddess. Your feminine energy is the key to unlocking true healing. Appreciate your femininity and explore life with a feminine mindset.

I know you have it in you to slow down and explore your desires. They are there, deep within you, always. Let them burn bright. Let them simmer. Let them realize.

Drop me a comment below and tell me what you can do to experience life in a more sensual, indulgent, blissful way. How can you create your desires and make them a reality?
