The wind touches your skin, teasing, caressing, wrapping you in its wicked embrace.

Your hair blows in tendrils, swirling around your face, tickling your exposed skin in the night as it encircles you.

Your bare feet gently touch the earth, soft and cool, wet with dew. Your feet sink deeper into her flesh. Deeper into your state of exulted bliss.

Your awareness is now on your body. Your mind. Your spirit. Your heart.

You are a sensual being. A being that is meant to live in pleasure, in bliss, in love, and in sacredness. A being that is meant to dance under the moon and frolic through meadows and forests under the sun. A being that is meant to taste, feel, embody, embrace, awaken, and thrive in every moment of your life.

How often do we forget to appreciate our feminine, sensual nature? Too often, I think. When life is rushed we have no time to slow down, turn inwards, lean in, and marvel at how absolutely sensual and lovely we are as women. We have a power within us that is the key to living a life that is aligned, fulfilled, and absolutely blissful. We have a power within us to live a charmed life full of sensual moments and enticing thoughts, rich with promise and beauty.

We are sacred, sensual beings. Full of light, love, and passion. Passion so strong it explodes within us and radiates out into the world surrounding us. We are magnetic forces that flow with the seasons, cycles of nature, and the moon.

We must turn inwards and indulge in our sensuality as it is the sacred key to healing and living at our highest vibrational level. How shall we do this? Let’s explore a little deeper…


  • Use your senses: Sensuality is all about feeling the sensation of each and every thing you do or experience. Allow the scent of herbs, spices, and wafting aromas to entice you. Feel warm water rush over your exposed skin, cradling you in a womb-like embrace that is nourishing and inviting. Admire the beauty of nature when you’re outdoors, noticing the colors, textures, patterns, and shapes. Taste a piece of chocolate, letting it melt in your mouth, and note each flavor as it dissolves. Hear your favorite music and let it take you away completely. Relax into it or allow it to channel your energy. Use your senses and allow yourself to indulge in each feeling as it comes to you.


  • Be your own lover: Treat yourself like a lover or partner would. When you’re getting ready for the day, take your time to slowly and mindfully move through each activity. Take a few extra moments to massage your body as you moisturize or soak in the bathtub, scattered with candles and rose petals. Make sure to close your eyes and imagine feeling instant bliss and love for yourself and your body. Trail your fingers up and down your body, feel each sensation. This is about indulging in sensation, in your sacred sensuality, in your femininity. Explore and celebrate yourself!


  • Connect to your feminine power: Whatever it is that makes you feel beautiful, sensual, and feminine, do more of it. Getting into your empowered space is a great way to experience and explore your sensual nature. If you feel feminine in nature, get outside and honor the moon, the sun, the stars. If you feel feminine in your creative heart, open yourself up and paint, write, draw, mold clay. Feel everything with pure bliss and indulgence. Sometimes I simply enjoy lighting some candles, turning on some slow music, and melting into myself as I relax for the night. It’s all about finding pleasure in your sensual side, so don’t be afraid to explore this deeper, reveling in it each step of the way.

Now I know that you are a sensual being. You are, through and through. You are amazing. So get a little more in touch with that side of you that desires to be appreciated and unleashed. Leave me a comment below and let me know how your journey into sensuality goes. I’d love to know.
