This simple shift in your mindset has the power to transform your entire life.
It certainly has transformed mine and it’s only getting better and better. It’s so easy for us to get caught up in the “as soon as I…(fill in the blank)” or “one day when I…(fill in the blank)” syndrome and to constantly feel like we’re always striving for something that seems to never really come. The truth is that there is no end to this journey. We are always going to strive for more once we reach whatever goal or intention it was that we previously had in mind.
We don’t really attain anything because once we reach that level of attainment, we are already thinking five steps ahead to the next thing we desire or dream of. So why live a boring, stressful, or chaotic life pursuing an ideal that never really happens? Sure, you may reach that 7-figure mark in your business or finally meet the love of your life, but does that automatically mean that you stop wanting more once you achieve it? Does that mean that you’re 100% fulfilled, blissed out, and completely satisfied for the rest of your life?
Not at all. This is the beauty of life. There is always more abundance to be unlocked. More desires to be realized. More joy, fulfillment, pleasure, and love to be had. This doesn’t mean we should strive to sit on top of piles of money or jewels, but there’s something hopeful about having new intentions or desires, while also knowing that your journey is never really over. There is always another layer to shed. Another unraveling of the ego to be had. More dreams to be shattered and fulfilled so we can grow and heal our beliefs and step into our highest self at that particular soul level.
The most important mindset shift you can make that will transform your life in all areas is to EMBODY ideal you RIGHT NOW.
Not when you lose those extra 20 lbs or when you finally meet someone you fall head over heels in love with. Not when you’re making 6-figures in your business or when you’re finally able to escape for a week on vacation. Right now! Each moment deserves to be embodied as you truly desire to FEEL.
What does “ideal you” FEEL like? How do YOU ideally want to FEEL?
How does she care for herself on all levels (emotionally, spiritually, psychically, sensually, sexually, mentally)?
What kinds of activities does she include in her day to make her feel juicy, alive, and like a sensual goddess?
What rituals does she indulge in?
How does she feel when she wakes up each morning? How about when she lies down to sleep at night?
What does her day consist of?
What’s something you always say you’ll do when you reach a certain goal or “have” something in specific?
Write it all down and start to embody this woman right now, because she’s inside of you! She just needs to be tapped into! Even if you have to start small or schedule things in, do whatever it takes so you can FEEL how you want to FEEL right now. Today. In this moment.
If you want to be the type of woman who wakes up each morning and dances sensually, seducing herself, and then heads out for a walk in the forest with a cup of tea….start doing that. Bring it into your day. Make the time for it and watch your love, health, and levels of fulfillment and sensuality blossom. Be ideal you. Be yourself, because she’s you. Embody those qualities, feelings, and activities today. What are you waiting for lovely?!
If ideal you drinks a green smoothie, because it makes her feel good and gives her glowing skin and an abundance of energy, not because she thinks she should, do that. If she makes the time for a hot bath with rose petals each night, make the time and embody that essence. Melt into the sensual beauty of being a sensually embodied woman who does what truly makes her feel good in each moment.
If ideal you feels confident and sexy when she heads out to meet clients or friends, what can you do to make yourself embody those feelings and qualities today? Maybe applying some organic lipstick? Maybe adorning and anointing yourself from head to toe with sacred oils and jewelery like a priestess? Maybe doing an hour of kundalini yoga to harness your sensual, sexual energy? Or perhaps just taking a few quiet moments in the morning to honor your body?
I could go on and on about this, but for now, check out the video I made for you below so you can start to EMBODY ideal you (the you that you already are!) today! No more waiting around, ok? I’m in this too! I’m a sensually embodied woman and I choose to be that NOW, not when I reach this or attain that. And it’s so fucking magical. I promise!
Drop me a comment below and tell me what you think about this mindset shift! How do you think this will help you embody your true self right now? How do you truly want to feel in each moment and how can you embody that today? I’d love to know!
You really blow me out of the water 🙂 I love your blog! It is so eye-opening and encouraging.
Thank you so much for your amazing advice, I really appreciate it.
Thank you so much for taking the time to drop me a comment, Rachel! I’m honored that you resonate with what I share. I’m sending you so much love.