Tuesday I had my whole work day planned out and ready to go. Until I woke up that morning and realized I had started my moon (menstrual cycle). I intuitively knew what I needed in that moment as I felt my entire body slip into that hazy, deliciously dreamy, sedated state that usually comes when I start my moon.

I needed a day with nothing planned. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to be. Nothing to do. No responsibilities, other than to nurture, love, and adore myself with tons of self-love, self-care rituals, and pleasure.

All of a sudden, these nagging ego thoughts began to creep up in my mind. I immediately felt resistance towards the thought of pushing it all aside in favor of my busy schedule and all of the activities I was lovingly devoted to.

“You have work to do.”
“What about this? What about that?”
“When will this get done?”
“You don’t have time for this!”

My ego hissed all of these thoughts in my ear, and I flinched in horror as I realized I was about to compromise my entire body, heart, and soul in favor of my beloved tasks and to-do’s.

I closed my eyes and envisioned my ideal business and life in my mind’s eye. In this vision, I make an executive decision and take at least the first day of my moon cycle off. This is how I want my business and life to be, making self-care and self-love a priority and ALWAYS listening to my body and her needs, wants, and desires.

Part of receiving what you want to receive is to actually embody it NOW, not “one day” or “someday.” So that’s exactly what I did. I embodied my sensual, feminine side, stepped into my dream schedule, and took the first day of my moon off completely. I pushed all of my tasks into the next few days in my calender and turned my cell phone off.

What I needed was clear. I needed darkness. A womb-like space. I closed all of the blinds and proceeded to make my own “Sacred Womb Room” or red tent. I lit some of my lotus tea light holders, gathered all of my rose quartz crystals (including my yoni/self-pleasure crystal wand), moonstone, and my quartz crystal. I made myself a delicious Shakti Cacao Hot Tonic (I’ll share the recipe in the future!), and sat in absolute silence for a few hours. I journaled a lot, exploring my thoughts and using my intuition to gather and harness messages coming from my sacred womb. It’s said that women are incredibly powerful and intuitive during their menstrual cycle. That’s often why women all over the world (especially in ancient tribes where rituals and women’s cycles are still honored and celebrated) seclude themselves or gather in a “red tent” with other women, so they can share and exchange messages, visions, gifts, and pampering with one another.

I also did a lot of reading about Goddesses in Sally Kempton’s book Awakening Shakti and did a few of the Goddess meditations to invoke them for healing and creativity purposes. I allowed myself plenty of time to just be and to slip into daydreams, running away with them in my mind simply for fun. I sat in silence for most of the day, but I did listen to some Tantra style music towards the end of my night as I began to unwind with a coconut oil breast massage and slow, sensual movement. I capped the night off with some ovarian breathing and a self-pleasure ritual (using the rose quartz yoni/pleasure wand mentioned above).

I had an amazing day and night. I felt like a truly sacred, honored, and fully sensual woman. It saddens me a little bit to think I almost gave this up for my schedule. This day and night of rest, relaxation, and pleasure was the ultimate act of self-love.

You can do this for yourself as well. When you allow yourself to experience the bliss and restoration that you desire and desperately need, you are giving yourself the ultimate gift of true self-love.

Being able to recognize, accept, and fully honor what your sacred temple (your body) needs in each moment is a blessing. It’s beautiful to be able to surrender in that feminine, flowing way in order to receive healing, pleasure, love, restoration, and orgasmic bliss. 

The concept of surrender becomes more present for me each day as it seems I’m always learning a new way of needing to do so, shedding a new layer of my surrender. I wrote last week about claiming your desires and surrendering to them. I like the idea of sensual surrender, surrendering to the innate sensual desires and needs of the body, as a whole.

When was the last time you surrendered to your sensuality in order to receive exactly what you needed in the moment, whether it be rest and relaxation or pleasure and orgasm?

Tweet: A woman’s sensuality is key in the love affair with her body.


Truly loving and honoring the body means we must sensually surrender to what feels present for us in each moment.

As women, we are fluid. We are ever-changing and our Shakti life-force energy (sexual, sensual, creative energy) can lead us down a different path of feminine and sensual surrender each time we come to a point of needing this surrender. Our emotions and bodies are a full range and cyclical. Each experience of surrender, healing, and receiving is new and has its own flavor.

That’s what makes me believe there is really no easy “formula” or trick to the act of sensual surrender. The only key is to really tune in and listen to your body, feeling her.

What does she want? 
What does she need right now in this exact moment?
What feels alive and present for her?
What would feel so blissful and amazing to allow and receive in your body and life right now?
What does she desire right now more than anything?
What would bring her the most pleasure, bliss, healing, and love?

Listen in and truly honor it. Accept it, without judgement. Get curious about where these needs and desires come from as they can tell you a lot about the balance being in alignment or out of alignment for you.

Being sensually awakened and embodied brings us the magnificent gift of knowing, trusting, accepting, and honoring each and every one of our emotions, feelings, desires, and needs. Your senses will lead you there. Your deep inner knowing will guide you, as will self-trust. This all comes within the territory of sensual surrender. Exploring the senses and finding what needs rest, play, love, pleasure, and time to simply be as it is.

All you have to do is surrender. Surrender to your body. Surrender to your sensuality and all of your desires, needs, emotions, and dreams. Surrender to your sensual intuition, the feeling telling you to slow down, turn inward, or to have some time off. Let yourself feel it all. If you do this, all that awaits you is an oasis of pleasure, love, and bliss–pure ecstasy! This is the art of the sensually embodied woman.

How do you become a sensually embodied woman? By sensually surrendering and honoring your body and all that she holds as a sacred vessel and temple. This means honoring each and every emotion, feeling, desire, vision, message, need, and sensation in your body, heart, or soul. It’s all part of you, all of your embodiment as a sensual, awakened woman.

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a sensually awakened and embodied woman, I invite you to join me for a complimentary Sensual Embodiment session where we unearth your dreams, intentions, obstacles, and wildest desires in the realm of self-love, sensuality, body love and trust, and so much more! Learn more here

Drop me a comment below and tell me, do you have resistance when it comes to prioritizing your body’s needs and desires? Do you know what it means for you to sensually surrender in your own way? What comes up for when you think of surrendering to your sensuality?

Let’s connect!

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