The Priestess. Ahhh yesss. She resides within each and every single one of us women.
She’s on a mission for the highest good of all. Your inner Priestess.
The Priestess is a woman who is connected with The Divine and uses her sacred gifts to serve those who will most benefit from what she has to offer. She is the messenger of The Divine. She blesses and performs rituals and ceremonies, carrying rites of passage with her and using her knowledge and inner wisdom to cultivate beauty and meaning in the lives of those she touches.
She is adorned with precious jewelry and anointed with sacred oils. She is highly intuitive and knows how to trust and surrender in order to flow with her unique Divine path. She walks the earth with passion and purpose. She is strong, courageous and awakened to her highest self. She is a sacred queen, ready to bestow gifts of wisdom, love and knowledge to those who need them most.
She resides in a temple, praying and asking for guidance or messages from The Divine. She also resides in ceremonial grounds, engaging in sacred rituals to spread the wealth of Divine light. Her gifts and actions do not come from ego. They come from her wisest, highest self. When she experiences darkness and shadows, she dances seductively with them, because she knows that it’s necessary to heal. She dances and sways with them and then she transmutes her darkness into light and she spreads that light, like sweet nectar, onto those who need her magic and wisdom.
She knows that each emotion and experience is perfect and needed in order to perform her Priestess alchemy and transmute the pain, anger, sadness and loss into love, bliss, pleasure and ecstasy.
Are you connected with her–your inner Priestess? Are you able to dance seductively with your own inner shadows and, like alchemy, transmute them into wisdom, love and magic to which you can share with others for healing and guidance?
It’s important for you to connect to this aspect of yourself so you can create the life of your desires and embrace all aspects of yourself and use them for good. A Priestess is here to serve The Divine–and as a Priestess, you have a sacred gift. A gift you can share with those who need it most. I’m sure you’re wondering…Amber…how do I connect with and embody my inner Priestess? How do I know she’s present? How can I channel her for the highest good of all? Don’t worry, I’ve got your back, sensual woman!
Here are some tips to help you call in and embody your inner Priestess:
- Sacred Rituals: rituals, ceremonies, shaman rites and celebrations are tools of the Priestess. She thrives on finding sacredness, love and Divine bliss in each moment. So how can you make each moment more sacred and full of Divine love and bliss? How can you celebrate your body, gifts and life more? Take some time each day, both in the morning and at night, to honor yourself, your sacred temple–your body, and your connection to The Divine through a ritual. (For some ideas: I like to dance, give myself a breast massage, say a prayer, drink a hot cup of tea or a hot cacao elixir, journal, honor the moon, or take a goddess-style bath.) Find what resonates for you though!
- Adorn and Anoint: As a Priestess, you can adorn your body with jewelry, nice clothing and other accessories or anoint your body with sacred oils. My favorite thing to do when I’m getting ready for the day is to turn it into a Priestess transformation ritual. I stand in front of my mirror (usually with candles lit, incense burning and sensual music turned up) and imagine myself transforming into a sacred Priestess. I brush my hair with intention, slowly apply my facial oils and makeup and then adorn my body with clothing and accessories that match my mood. I always feel like a beautiful goddess doing this. It’s another form of alchemy–transmuting into the Priestess right before my own eyes. I immediately feel like a Sensually Embodied Woman and connected to The Divine and my unique sacred mission.
- Embody Your Sensual Divinity: I wrote about your Sensual Divinity last week. Check it out here. I personally believe that each person has their own unique connection to The Divine (whatever that means for YOU) and how we embody our sensuality. I find that by connecting body with spirit (aka sensuality and Divinity) allows me to feel more trust, surrender, flow and magic in my life. Whatever this means for you, find a way to connect to and embody your sensuality and your connection to Divinity, even if it’s just you being naked in nature or saying a prayer and asking for guidance each morning by candlelight. Maybe it’s even a more Tantric practice uniting body and spirit through sacred sexuality and spiritual techniques.
- Ask For Divine Guidance: As a Priestess you are highly intuitive and receive downloads of guidance, messages, visions and wisdom straight from your connection to The Divine. Following the above suggestions will help you embody your inner Priestess as a first step, but then you’ll want to ask for support, guidance and wisdom so you can hone in on your sacred gifts and actually share them with the world for the highest good of all involved. My favorite thing to ask is “How may I be of service to you today?” Whatever comes to you after this is the gold. Allow it to fill your entire body, like a sacred vessel overflowing with honey, and use it to intuitively plan your day. Whatever is most important will get done and everything else won’t even matter.
You are a Priestess. You are beautiful, Divine and Sensually Embodied as a woman. These tips will help you connect to your own Priestess flow, thus allowing you to share your beautiful gifts with the world!
What does–or would–your Priestess transformation ritual consist of? What does it feel like to channel and embody your inner Priestess? What is her sacred gift to be shared?