The sacred act of claiming our desires is not one to be underestimated or tucked aside. Our desires are our lifeblood. The magic that flows through our heart and soul, weaving them together like a beautiful tapestry. The tapestry that is our life.
Our desires are cosmic downloads that our soul (and heart) receive straight from The Divine (or whatever it is that you believe in spiritually. I like to refer to it as The Divine.) These are the whispers from the wind. The inspiration from a blooming flower and her lush petals. The deep, ardent urge to do, be, create, or embody something that is tugging at our heart or stirring up our soul. Your desires are the road map to your happiness, pleasure, and deepest inner knowing. Your desires are created from pure love, and magical, cosmic energy.
Do you know what you desire? Do you know what your soul feels called to do? Do you hear the whispers? Do you feel the gentle, but urgent nudges within?
Before we can claim our desires we must first know what it is that we desire. Our desires do not come from the ego. They are not about pleasing others or fitting in. They are not about proving, comparing, or gaining power over someone or something else.
Our desires bring us to our highest self, our truth. They help us unravel, come undone, and shed layer by layer of our ego so we can step bravely into our light, with more ease and grace than before. Our desires draw us closer to pleasure, bliss, joy, and to elevated levels of collective consciousness. Not only that, but our desires are part of a cosmic, Divine plan. Desires are weaved beautifully into our soul’s calling, where passion meets purpose. Because our desires come from such a pure, loving space they are not based out of fear or ego. They are based out of love and fulfillment.
The universe has your back. Your desires are worthy and deserving of being fulfilled. They are meant to be fulfilled. The entire universe conspires to make sure that your desires become reality as long as you are listening, receiving, claiming them, and surrendering fully to the magical unfolding of all that lies beyond them.
Once you begin feeling into your heart and your soul, you’ll feel the pull towards what is sacred and true for you. What you truly desire. Once you know what it is that you desire, you must become clear on what it is that you would like to come from them. Clarity allows us to envision the possible outcome and journey, feeling it, immersing ourselves in it. Letting ourselves inflate with the hope, bliss, and passion of creating and aligned action. The secret is to let yourself overflow with your desires, but then release any attachment to the process or actual outcome.
Now is the time to claim your desires.
Declare them to the wind. Whisper them to the majestic moon. Sing them softly to the wildflowers swaying in the fields. Gently chant it to the sun as it dips low into the horizon. Tell your desires to the butterfly as it floats gracefully in the gentle breeze. Claim them as your own, as part of your truth. Claim them as your pleasure, your passion, your creativity, your sacred sexuality. Whatever it is that you desire out of life on all levels, allow yourself to melt into the blissful feeling of owning them entirely. They are leading you to exactly where you need to be.
Now is the time to surrender.
In order for your desires to be free to realize and manifest, you must give them the space to do so. You must surrender to the fact that you can’t control everything. Surrendering to The Divine is all that you can do now. The plan is in action, it’s moving along as it should. While you certainly must take necessary and aligned actions and have soulful intentions, you must also understand that, like mother nature and her destructive, Kali-esque storms, the plan can change at any moment. The Divine has your desires in mind, but each step may not look exactly like you had previously envisioned. That’s why it’s essential to feel into it, but then detach completely. This is the balance between the healthy, sacred masculine and feminine aspects that reside within us all. The masculine ability to wholeheartedly pursue a desire, but through the feminine way of surrendering and receiving openly and with absolute trust. There is no way to force it, rig it, or control it. There is only so much we can do or affect in our lives and knowing that Divine surrender is key will help you release your ego-based need to control and manipulate the journey.
There is one thing that is certain–the unfolding of your desires through surrender is absolutely magical. It is woven from pure, Divine love. It is saturated with sacred, blissful love.
Drop me a comment below and tell me how this resonates with you. What are your desires? How are you claiming them and how are you able to fully surrender?
Let’s connect!