Last year I wrote a blog post called Sensual Surrender: Honoring Your Body. Surrender, especially in my body, has been an important lesson that has continued to unfold magically as I awaken and embody my sensuality as a woman even deeper. Sometimes we’re hit over our pretty little heads repeatedly by a lesson or something important we need to recognize, accept, acknowledge or embody. Other times, we simply shed one more layer and embody this lesson even further.
I had an experience the other day in what I call Sensual Surrender. Sensual Surrender is the practice of surrendering to the innate sensual desires and needs of the body, as a whole. This is coming from a place where the body, embodiment and sensuality are all interconnected and essential for moving through our emotions, feelings and desires. It amazes me how much I’ve grown in the trust and surrender realms and I’d love to invite you to get curious about how you trust and surrender in your body and life right now. Take notice, with curiosity and love–no judgment.
Now this was not always the case for me…and sometimes I still have really strong resistance to surrendering. I will fight it to the death on occasion, but through practicing the art of Sensual Surrender, I have been able to use my sensuality and embodiment to determine what exactly it is that I need, crave and desire in each moment, and of course, how to trust, honor and surrender to it.
I was happily working away last week on my computer (setting up some really juicy creations to come soon!) and noticed my internet lagging. Then, to my horror, it went down completely. I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms and started to huff and puff at my computer for a few seconds. I’m pretty sure I screamed “COME ON!” at the top of my lungs once..or twice. Maybe even gave my laptop a little love tap…
How inconvenient. I had all of these things I needed and desired to do. So many tasks to check off of my list, but also a lot of deliciousness I was excited to tap into. So many ways I wanted to show up that day. But…my internet was down so that was NOT going to be possible. I immediately hopped on the phone with my internet service provider who said that the internet was down and probably wouldn’t be back on until 11:39 pm that night.
I had two choices here. Let me paint you a brief picture of how OPTION A could have gone down and how OPTION B did go down.
OPTION A: I slam my cell phone down, fuming from my very feminine core. I pout, throw a tantrum, scream and throw things like a petulant child. Then, I spend the rest of my day trying to regain control, which makes me feel even more out of control and even more upset and pissed off. Chances would be that I’d be too ridiculous and emotionally charged to engage in my normal nightly rituals and would fall into my bed feeling terrible. This option wasn’t for me…luckily when I started to awaken and embody my sensuality I began to realize how this was not the type of reaction that works well for me…ever.
OPTION B: I check in with my body as I hear about the internet being down and BREATHE. Deeply. Right into my heart, belly, womb and yoni. I close my eyes and just as easily, I surrender. I let it all go. I open up to receive the medicine and wisdom that obviously needs to come through right now. I accept that something wasn’t aligned in my day, body or life and now I have wide open space to remain offline and nourish myself or do actual creative work that doesn’t require a computer or internet. I surrender to my sensuality. I let my body relax. I TRUST. I let myself see this as an opportunity, not an inconvenience and immediately I feel replenished with a sense of divine love, trust, ease, peace, ecstasy and excitement. So much to do now!! I get excited. Now I can surrender to the schedule that was slaying me and invite in beauty, slowness, sacredness, pleasure and sensual space to play, create and relax in. I can take a break. I can breathe into it. I can feel S P A C I O U S. I can feel expansive, open, divinely guided and filled with the joy of being aligned and connected to my body, my sensuality and the divinity within me and without me.
Option B is how it went down. I surrendered and trusted. I opened myself up completely and asked the Divine to show me what I was missing. To guide me and crack me open in new ways. To move me so that I could be of highest service, which sometimes means tapping into our pleasure. Our spaciousness. Our sensuality.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not always easy to practice surrender or Sensual Surrender. Sometimes I swing to the opposite side of the pendulum and ruin my day by trying to fight it and control it. But you know what happens when we do that? We invite in chaos, anxiety, mistrust and fear along with disappointment, frustration and judgement towards ourselves. But what happens when we soften? What would happen if you chose to Sensually Surrender? To soften? To open up and accept what IS? To TRUST from a space of love and ease?
My body, which is my sacred temple, sure as hell didn’t need to get all worked up. I don’t feel juicy, present, alive and aligned with the vibration of divine love when I fight the inevitable circumstances at play. I do, however, feel juicy, present, alive and aligned with the vibration of divine love when I choose to surrender to my sensuality. To the circumstance. To the Divine. To whatever is at play in each moment.
When you find yourself in a situation where you want to control, change or fight against what IS, slow down, turn inward and take a few deep, delicious breaths right into your womb, heart and yoni–these are your places of intuition, femininity, sensuality, trust and divinity among other things. Allow yourself to apply the practice of Sensual Surrender.
Let go.
Let ease in.
Let grace in.
Let sensual, feminine flow in.
FEEL into your senses. What do they desire to awaken, embody or experience? What does your body need? Your soul? Your heart? Your mind? What do YOU crave and desire in that moment?
Don’t fight it. You spend so much of your precious energy when you try to fight it. You are NOT always in control. I know that’s a really hard pill for us to swallow at times in this masculine dominated society, but it’s true. It’s time for you to return home to your feminine, sensual space of surrender, trust, ease and love. To awaken and embody your sensuality so that you can use your body and your sensuality as the guide to know when you are in a state of control and fight or surrender and ease. Which one would FEEL better? Which one allows you to remain in your pleasure, ease, trust and joy? I trust that you know which one that is.
So the next time your cell phone dies while you’re in the car and you left your charger at home, your internet is down, someone blows you off when you were excited to see them or your moon cycle comes on a day where you had a gazillion plans, just let it go. Sensually surrender. Invite in ease, ecstasy, trust and love. Invite in pleasure, play and creativity. Connect back to your body.Trust that whatever is meant to be and happen will be and happen. Exactly as it will and does unfold. Not the way you may have envisioned it originally or planned for it to. Breathe into the new space of ease and love that follows the moment you say to yourself “I surrender. It’s all going to be ok. I allow it to be as it is.”
There is true medicine and wisdom in this space. The space of Sensual Surrender.
p.s. I’d love to know of an experience you’ve had in the past with surrendering to your sensuality or using your sensuality to surrender deeper and further. Tell me about it in the comments below! Oh and if you want to get in on something sexy I’ve created just for you called The 8-Day Sensually Awakened & Embodied Woman Experience, which is a complimentary audio course focusing on the 8 realms of Sensual Focus a woman goes through as she begins to awaken and embody her sensuality. You can get on the waiting list for the free course here! Want to know what the realms of Sensual Focus are?
- Cultivating a Self-Love Foundation & Everlasting Intimacy with YourSelf
- Sensual Awakening
- Sensual Embodiment
- Trust, Safety & Surrender (Sensual Surrender is in here and you’ll learn how to apply this art/practice/principle more effectively in your body & life!)
- Tap Into Your Pleasure
- Own Your Sexuality & Harness Your Sexual Energy (Shakti)
- Integrating Masculine & Feminine Essences/Energies
- Divinity & Intuition
I’m so excited to be birthing this creation into the world for you for FREE! >>>Get on the waiting list here, lover!<<< Trust me, you don’t want to miss out. I’m sharing a lot from my own personal experience along with what I’ve learned from coaching women around sensuality, embodiment and pretty much everything that encompasses being a woman and a Goddess ;).
I also want to take a moment to invite you into one of my favorite online spaces–The Sensually Embodied Woman™ Sisterhood on Facebook. There are several amazing Sensual Goddesses and soul sisters who are present in the group that I adore. I strive to make this space somewhat of an online temple where women can come together to honor, love, support and share with one another as we all awaken and embody our sensuality together. Join us here, Sister.